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Thank you for choosing InerziaThings! We continuously strive to enhance your app experience. In this version, we've made improvements to the Inspector pane and resolved some minor issues to ensure smooth sailing.


Thanks for using InerziaThings! We are always working to improve the features you use and love. Continue reading for the full list of changes. Improvements • New toolbar icons. • It is now possible to edit the quantities field directly using the keyboard.


Bugs fixed • Fixed an issue that could prevent from printing


Bugs Fixed • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash while importing data coming from an old version of InerziaThings.


New Features • InerziaThings is now built to work natively on Apple Silicon. • Brand new icon! Improvements • InerziaThings can now track anonymous usage statistics to find out how you use our software and how we can improve it. You can opt-out any time in Preferences > Privacy. Bugs Fixed • Fixed an issue that could cause the app to to freeze when importing from a file.


Bugs Fixed • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Inspector from opening on the latest macOS updates. (Thanks to our users who have reported this!) • Fixed an issue that would display the sidebar with a wrong size. • Fixed a layout issue in the About screen.


New: • It is now possible to import labels from a text file (user request): the file should have the ".txt" extension (pure text without formatting) and its content is made by a list of label names, one for each line, or separated by commas Bugfix: • Fixed a bug in the delete image flow (the Cancel button did not work as expected)


New • Added a "Measure" field. It can contain dimensions info as "12x3 inch" or similar. You can add it also to already present objects. Bug fixes • Some locale string was missed. • Fixed a bug when importing from proprietary files on OS 10.10 through 10.13 • Some optimisation.


Fixed a bug where the inspector buttons disappear when a search is active. Other minor bug fixes.


Bugs Fixed • Fixed an issue that caused a crash on macOS 10.13 High Sierra.


New Features • It's now possible to show or hide columns in the Library. Improvements • InerziaThings is now fully compatible with Dark Mode on macOS Mojave. Bugs Fixed • Fixed some minor issues.


Improvements • Icons and Ul have been improved for OS X El Capitan


New Features • Brand new Images management tab • New Ul optimized for OS X Yosemite Improvements • The toolbar is now included in the title bar (OS X Yosemite only) • It's now possible to rename an image in InerziaThings • French localization improved • Italian localization improved Bugs Fixed • Fixed an issue with the Images table on OS X Yosemite • Fixed a graphic artifact in the Inspector on OS X Yosemite • Fixed some layout issues in the Inspector • Fixed an issue that prevented the Welcome window from being shown • Fixed an issue in the Preferences window • Fixed a rare issue when exporting images would fail under certain conditions


We inserted what users asked! Please, continue to send us feedback and requests! New Features • Owned number for each Things: e.g., if you purchased 4 chairs, you can insert just 1 Thing with the unit price, then set the number of units to 4. The Total Value field will report the total price (unit price times 4). • Number of units sold: if you own more than 1 unit of a Thing, you can sell or give away single units; e.g. you can sell 3 of 4 owned chairs. You enter the unit sell price and the Total Sold field will show the total earnings. • The total value at the bottom right of the main window now can show the value of visible Things, excluding those that were sold. You can restore the old behaviour in the Preferences. • New Preference: in the General tab you can choose how the Total Value is calculated (all visible objects or visible objects excluding sold units). Improvements • Some optimizations in the code, with improved stability. Bugs Fixed • The main table contextual menu was enabled even if no Things were selected, leading to possible empty Things: fixed. • Deleting a Room, undoing the action and then deleting it again resulted in a problem: fixed.


New Features • The sum of the prices of the visible Things was added to the right side of the status bar • Added in Preferences a setting for the table default font/size • Added in Preferences a setting for default font/size for notes (this affects only new notes) Improvements • The Preferences window now opens on the same page lastly used Bugs Fixed • Sometimes the Inspector showed the "No Selection" message even if objects were selected: fixed • Some unusual situation bugs fixed


New Features: • French localization Improvements: • Some code optimizations


New Features: • The insertion date can now be visible as a column in the main table; its visibility can be set in the Preferences window • An option has been inserted in the Preferences window to set the default sort by insertion date or by purchase date Improvements: • the check to delete unused images from library is now performed in the background, without slowing down the application launch • some code optimizations


Fixed a bug preventing to delete an imported place


Improvements: • New link to the InerziaSoft Support Center in the Help menu


New Features: • New 'localized' export method, compatible with Numbers in non-US environments • Import/export on file of type 'thingslib' containing all data relative to the chosen Things, with Tags and Images, for backup purposes or to bring data from the Lite version or onto another Mac • The Search field now can search also within Shop, Notes and all text field at the same time • It's now possible to hide or show the Main table horizontal gridlines • When no Things are selected, the Inspector is modified consequently Improvements: • Before printing and exporting, a check is now made on the existence of Things • CSV and TSV export completely re-written, with correct management of Notes • New About window with the new InerziaSoft logo • The view selection button in the inspector have been redesigned • The Preferences design has been revised Bugs Fixes: • Problem with double click on the Inspector button • Problem with clicks on date fields • Better wording of the "Save" menu: "Save library" • Fixed the Undo name on Tag changed name • Fixed the objects dimensions when exiting from Full Screen (OS X 10.7 or later) • Fixed a visualization problem when the inspector is larger than normal • Fixed an issue with the creation of a Tag with " " as name


This is the first release of InerziaThings on the App Store! Versions released before this one were distributed as a separate download through our website. Release notes for those versions are not available.